Thursday, May 31, 2007

LiveJournal Mass Deletion

According to CNet News, LiveJournal suspended the accounts of 500 or so individuals that violated Six Apart's terms of service. Techrigy in no way condones any illegal activities, and we support the right of Six Apart in removing accounts that violate its terms of service. However, this is another powerful example of the need to backup your blog and other online content.

If these users who had their LJ accounts suspended had their account backed up with BlogBackupOnline, they would be able to simply transfer their blog to another service where they don't violate the terms of service, or they could create their own privately hosted blog. Unfortunately, many users did not have their blog backed up, and they have most likely lost years of blog posts.

BlogBackupOnline is free, and it is almost effortless to back up your blog. There's really no reason why you shouldn't be backing up your blog.

Thanks for stopping by, and please let us know if there is anything we can do to better your experience with BlogBackupOnline.


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